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In early 2014 there was a virus that devastated the human population world wide.  In the first months of the outbreak many people became infected with this man-altered virus.  Millions died and more would soon follow their fate.  However, in just a few short months big pharm developed a “cure” - This /cure/ not only was meant to stop the spreading virus but was a “cure all!” 


However due to lack of testing the /cure/ would soon be found to be even more deadly!.  It not only “cured” the virus, (current and others), most cases of cancer, even simple skin issues, stuffy noses and leaky asses…. It also “cured” DEATH! Bringing those who had taken the /cure/ back to life /kinda/.


The government had made the /cure/mandatory in most countries which lead the outbreak of undead to spread like wild fire.  A new variant of the deadly virus now evolved from a mixture of the man made virus + the /cure/ that had altered the DNA in humans.  A “superbug” if you may! 


There would be people who refused the /cure/ rebelling against their own government.  Having to live in hiding.  However if caught they too would be forced the /cure/.  Some were able to go uncaught, living in hiding until there was no real government left in place to hide from.  As long as they were not bitten, or exchanged bodily fluids with an infected person they would be fine.  But was anyone really fine? This only would mean when they died they would not come back as the “undead”.


By winter of 2014 over half the world's population had “been infected” With a short incubation period; they would soon parish and come back as what one may call “zombies”?  By 2015 the world we once knew was no more.  In the coming years more people perished, and more /walkers/ awakened. With more of them than us.


The symptoms would start with a fever, cough, body chills much like your common flu. However soon their organs would start to shut down. Whites of their eyes and skin yellowing. They would start going crazy, losing their mind (going rabid). Blood would seep from all their orifices, and they would lose control of their bodily and function.   It would take only 72 hours from what was once a healthy person to take their last living breath - what would come next if not stopped would be a low functioning, flesh hungry “walker” 


Once the formally dead were reanimated into a zombie, there would be little to nothing left of their former self - replaced with the want/need to feed off the flesh of the living.  They move slowly, but they move with purpose!  They know what they want and they go for it at all costs.  Their own flesh decaying and rotting off their bones.  The virus now running through whatever is left in them, making them highly contagious. Much like a rabid animals, one bite, should it break the skin, is enough to pass on the infection.  


For years there was no real /cure/ but in 2018 a few scientists who spent years working had come up with something.  It wouldn't keep you from becoming infected as most were infected from the former /cure/ this would only stop the spread once bitten /IF/ caught early enough.  Should a person be bitten they had 36 hours to get help before it was too late - even then it was still a 50/50 odds they would survive.


Since the outbreak there have been colonies set up around the world.  Cypress Valley is one of the remaining operational colonies.  The town is located near the Canadian border in Washington state.  Once a booming mining town settled down between mountains and bodies of water.  It was the perfect location for the U.S. Government to turn into a self-sufficient secured town long before the outbreak.  


When the outbreak happened Cypress Valley and other secured locations were set up with military's, stocked well and important figures were moved to them.  Many were overrun with the dead or raiders.  However a few still stand and work together with trade and drops between them, Cypress Valley being one of them.  There are also other places that have set up to trade making the "Colonies".  


Cypress being a mining town offers supplies but also precious metals.  Opening up a few mines the people of Cypress do their best to help when it comes to trade.  There are also colonies on each coast helping with food supplies even down in Texas where our oil and gas is coming from.  The colonies work very hard to help each other but there are always people trying to interrupt this trade and take for their own and even take over the colonies.  While Cypress may feel safe and secure is it?  


In the years since the outbreak the military members that were put in place to protect the people have been spread thin, and the United States Government that once was is no more, however there are still some that are bound by their word to serve and protect.  Some of those men and women are who have stayed and kept Cypress Valley guarded.  They now with the help of the appointed Mayor control the base and have re-erected the Cypress Valley Sheriff Dept. 


More info on the Colonies will be available soon!


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